Men Against Fire

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Pat Holscher
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Posts: 7553
Joined: Thu Nov 30, 2000 6:51 pm
Last Name: Holscher

I know this isn't a cavalry book, but it is a famous military book, and the otherwise excellent University Of Oklahoma Press has chosen to do the public misservice of reissuing this pathetic work.

Marshall, an intelligent but bullying historian, drafted this radical, and ultimately influential, tretise after the WWII in which he asserted that only 15 to 25% of soldiers fired their weapons in combat. Because of his status as a historian, and because of his bullying nature, the theory was accepted, influencing US military weapons thought since.

Marshall probably just made the theory up. Those familiar with Marshall or his interviewing process basically relate that he either lacked understanding of actual infantry combat, or even failed to ask the soldiers he interviewed for his work whether or not they had fired their weapons. For a short but excellent discussion on Marshall and this book see "The Deadly Brotherhood", by John C. McManus.

I haven't seen the reissue. But if they are going to reissue it, they should insert a critical analysis in the front, pointing out it's influence, and that its conclusions lack actual support and are basically absurd.

