Xenophon Press just released for publication my biography of Brig. General Harry D. Chamberlin. The title: General Chamberlin: America's Equestrian Genius. Lt. Col. Lou DiMarco wrote an Introduction. George Morris and Jim Wofford both wrote Forwards to the biography. You can locate the biography here https://xenophon-press.myshopify.com/co ... rren-matha
By separate message, I've asked if a member of the Society might read and review the book and its companion volume that I describe below. If so, Xenophon will supply a free copy of each.
In a few weeks, Xenophon will release my companion volume titled The Chamberlin Reader which contains almost all of Chamberlin's difficult to find journal articles, monographs on horse and rider training. In addition, The Chamberlin Reader contains a reprint of a rare French Cavalry publication regarding the Advanced Cavalry School at Saumur. The French Army published that booklet in the same year that Chamberlin studied there. Also, previously unpublished private photos of the Inter-Allied Games of 1919 where the Italian performance inspired American cavalry officers to re-think their French principle of jumping obstacles.
Warren Matha