With the new movie coming out I thought I'd direct you to the book by Doug Stanton.
An excellent review of the book is from the CIA at
https://www.cia.gov/library/center-for- ... diers.html
From Marines.mil is this video about the Mountain Warfare Training Center Pack Center
https://www.dvidshub.net/video/580450/a ... p-training
Steve Haupt
The Horse Soldiers: The Extraordinary Story of a Band of US Soldiers Who Rode to Victory in Afghanistan
Saw the flick yesterday a.m. Rates a GFF (my three tier rating system also includes OK as a middle grade and SUX as the bottom tier).
If you want to see a horse movie that takes place in a combat zone this isn't it. This is a rather traditional war flick that contains horses. Indeed it's much more in the spirit of "Sands of Iwo Jima" or "Back to Bataan" than "Full Metal Jacket" or the more modern flicks where the hero cries great crocodile tears as he exterminates his enemies. It has some complexities about it but it's not particularly contemplative. It paints the Taliban as an unmitigatedly evil bunch for whom immolation while still alive is a very appropriate punishment.
Personally I enjoyed it but it's not going to win any academy awards. Lots of explosions and an impressive body count. I recommend it!!!
If you want to see a horse movie that takes place in a combat zone this isn't it. This is a rather traditional war flick that contains horses. Indeed it's much more in the spirit of "Sands of Iwo Jima" or "Back to Bataan" than "Full Metal Jacket" or the more modern flicks where the hero cries great crocodile tears as he exterminates his enemies. It has some complexities about it but it's not particularly contemplative. It paints the Taliban as an unmitigatedly evil bunch for whom immolation while still alive is a very appropriate punishment.
Personally I enjoyed it but it's not going to win any academy awards. Lots of explosions and an impressive body count. I recommend it!!!
