What are you reading?

Reviews and commentary on books, films, etc.
Pat Holscher
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This thread will be one dedicated to what we're currently reading.

Sort of a vicariously reading over your shoulder sort of deal

If you are reading a book currently, let us know what it is!
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Pat Holscher
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I"m presently reading Give Me Eighty Men by Shannon Smith. It's a history of the Fetterman Fight, and a history of the history of the Fetterman Fight. I'll review it when I'm done, but I'll note that the favorable mention of the book by the authors of The Heart of All That Is caused me to pick it up, even though I'd been inclined to previously avoid it.

So far, I'm enjoying it, and its certainly raising a lot questions in my mind about the Fetterman battle, although I'm reserving my judgment on various things so far.
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I've been drifting through Bernard Cornwell's Saxon stories. It's my first taste of his writing, and while I can't comment on the historicity, I've enjoyed it so far.

Also, I'm reading "On the Border with Crook", by John Bourke and "Three Years Among the Comanches" by Nelson Lee. I have these on my Nook reader, and they were free downloads.
Pat Holscher
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Red Cloud's War

I must be stuck on a theme right now. Having read The Heart of All that Is, and having learned about Give Me Eighty Men from that, I am now reading Red Cloud's War by McDermott which I learned about from Give Me Eighty Men. I wasn't actually aware that John McDermott had written a two volume history of Red Cloud's War until I saw it referenced, with a bit of criticism as to his treatment of Fetterman, in Smith's book but I'm enjoying it so far, having just started it today while riding on airplanes and sitting in airports. So far, I'm really enjoying it.
JV Puleo
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The memoirs of Prince Eugene of Savoy...Marlborough's great friend and collaborator in the War of the Spanish Succession. I've read at least one biography but had never seen the memoir, which isn't surprising since the English version was published in 1811. I indulged myself and bought it. It's really quite good...the style is so unlike the flowery rhetoric you'd expect I think it might really be his words.