is one of many data bases that form a huge library of publications of great depth of time, and width of subjects. The subject paper found during a search for a cavalry manual for US officers, is a compendium of regulations, descriptions, and lessons learned by the French and British army's use of cavalry on the western front, generated by the US Army War Collage. IMO this is a snapshot as to the actions and intent of British and French high command as to the use of cavalry at the front in both the offensive and defensive, up to and including the corps level from 1916 to 1917.
Cavalry notes, compiled at Army War College, June, 1917. Army War College (U.S.)
When I used the Information in the previous post to search for this document, well it didn't go so well
. Here's my fix. Google and enter the site. Use the Advanced Full-text Search the article (thank the programmers for copy and paste), and enter the title. Year of publication: During or after 1917. and if not already, select Full text + All Fields. Oh yeah. Be sure to pick your language. It should be the 12th article listed. If you click the Catalog Record, the on the left are Similar Items that may be of interest, like "Artillery operations of the Ninth British Corps at Messines, June 1917" . This is an enormous data base, though for me, a bit unwieldy. Constructive feedback is always appreciated.

I hear ya on the unwieldy. There is fantastic stuff in there though. I've been wallowing in their old collection of ordnance manuals, service magazines, etc., researching early dragoon and horse artillery details.
I'm collecting a variety of interesting sources in one of their "collections", and hope to find a way to have direct links from the 'Resources/Online References' tab on the main website here. If that doesn't work, I'll just have to make direct links to the resources in question.
I'm collecting a variety of interesting sources in one of their "collections", and hope to find a way to have direct links from the 'Resources/Online References' tab on the main website here. If that doesn't work, I'll just have to make direct links to the resources in question.