The Question of Equipment
A Critique of the Model of 1879 Whitman cavalry saddle by a military officer. To the Editor of the Army and Navy Journal: SIR: A writer to the ARMY And Navy Journal, who signs himself “109 Degrees in the Shade,” […]
A Critique of the Model of 1879 Whitman cavalry saddle by a military officer. To the Editor of the Army and Navy Journal: SIR: A writer to the ARMY And Navy Journal, who signs himself “109 Degrees in the Shade,” […]
Battery “D,” 3rd Field Artillery,Fort Myer, Virginia, March 27, 1916. FROM: C. O. Battery “D,” 3rd Field Artillery.To: The Adjutant General, U. S. Army, Washington, D. C. (Through Military Channels.) SUBJECT: Feeding and Stabling of Horse “Rodney.” This letter with […]
You may view the Ringgold saddle patent here ( Patent via Google Patents ), where you will see the odd like figure (at right) prominently displayed on the first page. You will also see a rather well done line drawing of […]
As found in Volume 1 of The Western journal, of agriculture, manufactures, mechanic arts, internal improvement, commerce, and general literature, 1848. This brief outline contained much of the pertinent information about Thornton Grimsley’s dragoon saddle, it’s adoption by the US […]
In this article, we look at regulation US military metal stirrups of the 20th century. Stirrups are one of those small details in horse equipment that perform a vital function, and yet can take on so many interesting and curious […]